Creation & Direction & Copywriting & Sketches

Since I am crazy about comic books and board games, I believe in the kind of communication that really tells a story (like a fucktastic comic) and also demands action (like a sickening level of a videogame). For having been working for 18 years in digital and non-digital agencies, I’ve learned that good advertising delivers content & entertainment & service - and that the ON and OFF boundaries are bullcrap.
nuggets die with 20 sides

Tray Games for you


For over 20 years in Brazil, McDonald’s has entertained consumers by using the tray liner as a promotional tool. That was until smartphones came about. The same people who paid attention to the games and tips on the trays now only have eyes – and fingers – for their cell phone. The challenge was to reestablish communication with the consumers and provide a meal with more “feel good moments”.

Using the technology of Instant Messaging from Facebook Messenger, we turned a piece of paper into an entertainment social platform with the consumers in the restaurant and also with the over 100 million Facebook users.

nuggets die with 20 sides

A real GPS for influencing turtles


When choosing who would be the influencers of NESCAU campaign to combat plastic straws, we opted for the Tamar Project sea turtles.

With a dedicated GPS installed on our turtle friends, we could not only identify where they would be swimming (in real time) - but also post content on social networks as if they were the authors of that digital diary.

Are they in a eating area? A post comes with a rant about the plastic bags that are easily mistaken for living water. Are they in a predatory fishing area? A tweet appears explaining the efforts of Tamar staff to educate fishermen. Are they in a breeding area? How about a Spotify playlist with Barry White songs?

All translated into an easily accessible visual map, with great added educational value - in addition to the novelty in revealing new areas for the exploration of these aquatic influences.

Thank you Maike, Mariano, Sabrina, Savana, Lari and Déborah.

leia para uma Criança e saia do Whatsapp

Read for a kid with your cell phone on


Read for a kid. This was the tagline for a great 360º campaign launched by Itaú to raise awareness among parents and adults in general about the positive effects of reading for children.

The digital strategy tried to provide tools to the readers with the Itaú Criança mobile app. The application offered several features for the moment of reading, to make the stories even more enchanting. It was possible to read with hundreds of sound effects, use virtual masks of the characters, turn the illustrations into cartoons or take pictures with magic effects.

This service has inspired a lot of activations, such as live Google Hangout reads with celebrities like Rosi Campos and Maurício de Souza, in tutorials on how to make the most of the app.

This was a magical job thanks to many heroes: Silvio Amorim, Bruno Landi, Daniel Martins, Bruno Brazão e Caue Gottardi.

nuggets die with 20 sides

Learning from the value of sport


Liga Nescau is the largest student sporting event in Brazil.

The championship, in addition to promoting the type of Nescau sport (which is to help develop human values ​​inside and outside the courts), is also the ideal field to generate subject and conversation.

We created different content-triggers to assist in social media interactions - like REPORTER NESCAU; Customizable FIGURINE ALBUMS; or HANDSHAKE (a compliment of the brand developed in partnership with the people of the NGKS dancers).

Different hooks, for different formats and for different types of sport.

Thank you Maike, Pedro, Flávio, Isa, Savana and Lari.

cante no celular e vire um pop-star

The first mobile reality show


Vivo My Show was a reality TV music show adapted to the mobile format to promote the carrier. The user could record/vote/share and get coaching tips from several artists in the world of music to compete for prizes that would boost their career.

The activation strategy consisted to keep the creation of the assets in sync with media and BI. Those assets were changed in a frequent basis to monetize clicks and reach the aggressive download goals.

This job only gained momentum because of the talent of good friends: Edwartt Lopes, Marcos Yamamura, Mariana Marizze, Bruno Bispo and Marconi Filho.

nuggets die with 20 sides

Director Mix: almost artificial creative intelligence


VOGON is an artificial intelligence system from Google that combines videos and texts to offer the best advertisement before you watch your movie on the internet.

Did you type “recipe” in the YouTube search? Then the system combines arts and texts to show a video advertisement with the most relevant call possible. Just like when you search for “movies”, “sports” or “travel”.

The interesting thing was to associate this tool with a content logic when refining the campaign for chocolates, coffees and Nestlé's institutional promo.

Our efforts were to decode the clusters designed by Google along with the most relevant social conversation topics. More than responding creatively to a search for “recipes” - we created the opportunity to feed the system with more relevant creatives for searches such as “carrot cake to kill the hunger at dawn”. Or instead of “films” - creative for “last bad episode of GOT”.

It is the date - coupled with conversation - glued to pieces of hyper-context. Thank you Maike, Rafa, Bruna, Lucas, Erik and Deborah.

nuggets die with 20 sides

Escape the cucumbers before you travel

Campaign and Content

KAYAK is one of the largest travel planning sites.

And everyone has gone through some kind of "cucumber" when it comes to comparing ticket prices, hotels or car rentals.

Whoa: Did I say cucumber?

With that cue, we conceptualized the KAYAK system as a cucumber anti-virus for when you plan your trip.

The creation of the mascot helped not only to work with retail pieces (and its infinite variations according to the performance of the clicks) - but also served as a hook for social conversations and some special actions on Face and Insta (just for example you comment how much you wanted to spend that we raised the best suggestions for you right there, in the brand's post).

And the best of all? I got one of the cucumber costumes (or is it?). Thank you Ale, Gu, Latorre, Dani, Tali, Silvia, Su and Mari.


A viral video to get a ride on all others


Instead of creating a viral video about the sportiveness of the new mini Cooper S, the digital strategy was to develop a browser application that would accelerate any viral video from the internet.

The owner of this engine was Raphael Lucone. And I just took the ride to follow up and learn how challenging it is to put a project like that on the street.

invista em você

Invest in your doubts


The solution for Itaú's (a bank in Brazil) online investment campaign was the creation of a hashtag that could drive a chat about a far from easy matter.

People were invited to ask about investing with the hashtag #InvestInSocialNetworks by various activation assets, such as movies to tell real investment stories (with the participation of photographer J.R. Duran) and prints to illustrate how the hashtag could work.

Let there be no doubt: Silvio Amorim, Bruno Landi, Bruno Brazão, Thiago Nazato and Marcos Yamamura’s talents invested in this project yielded a whole lot!

...e um PAOZÃO com gergilim

Destroy your heavy metal hunger


For the launch of Gran Big Mac, the comic metal band Massacration sang about the perfect hamburger to kill their “heavy” hunger.

When expanding this story into the digital area, bus stops were turned into stages. Suddenly on your way to work or college you could test you screaming capability on a YELLOMETER or start a GUITAR HERO game in your cell phone to guarantee a coupon.

This job only rock and rolled because of Rodrigo Vezza, Bruno Brazão, Daniel Mattos, Luciano Honda and Thiago Nazato’s choir.


Dj PopôwPança


We decided to give the enemy life in order to fight the trouble that is talking about investments. The deal was to create a video clip that satirized the language of the economists. As far as Itaú is concerned, these people will never succeed.

This job was in the very creative hands of Bruno Brazão and Alessandra Muccilo.

nuggets die with 20 sides

In search of the perfect brigadeiro


The World's Sweetest Museum is an instagrammable space to activate the selfie and spread the share.

But when Leite Moça created her own space within this world of visual treats, we realized that it was possible to give a little more content in this whole story.

We created a reality show with influencers from the kitchen to test their “brigadeiros” (real works of art) inside the museum - and collect votes from their audiences.

We encourage conversation, respondings, invitations, recipes - and everything else delicious for a content strategy.

Thank you Carlinhos, Aline, Diana, Flavio, Conrado, Ju and Mila.

excesso de bacaníce na bagagem

An advantage motion


The advantages of Tam & Itaucard credit card were packed into a series of short movies (in a stop motion that is simply sickening). The deal was to script, film and design the distribution and adaptation of this amazing asset in social networks (and on the aircrafts’ screens).

duvido que a música desse filme não grude na sua cabeça.

Turn future the time of your life


If it’s time to retire, does it mean that it's time to stop? Huge no! Future can be the best time of your life.

That was the message of the Itaú’s social security campaign, along with a tailor-made movie for the Internet.

para o alto e avante

A piece of Brazil’s sky to shoot and be yours

Service and Content

To reinforce the message that Azul is the airline with more destinations in Brazil (and as a consequence it is the company that knows our sky better), an app called Azul from Brazil was created.

In order to photograph the sky of the whole country, its users could choose a piece of the augmented reality mapped sky and hang their picture wherever they would. Also: some pieces of the map hid tickets.

leite que faz barulho.

Chocolate in high fidelity


With the “Don’t live by halves. Live it all” concept, social networks have proven to be the ideal stage for Ovomaltine to communicate with young people.

The creation of OVOMALTUNES, the first Facebook music festival (with bands as NXZERO and CPM22), came to foster an authentic, full of music dialogue.

This project needed many good people moshing: Daniel Martins, Luis Velloso, Edwartt Lopes and Marcelo Pollara.

porque sim, não é resposta

A good idea connects many others


"LET'S MAKE IT TOGETHER": this was the concept Santander (a bank in Brazil) needed not only to communicate but to elucidate.

The creative answer came through the production of a webseries called CONNECTIONS OF IDEAS. Three real stories of enterprising people who found it difficult to set up their ideas (because they were solo) were told.

One watched. Clicked. Knew. Got inspired. Argued. Recommended. And saw himself getting into the story, through interactive features that took place right away, synched up with every part of what was being told.

More than advertising: the campaign got to generate a collaborative content that, in fact, launched a new product to improve people's lives: Santander has created a line of financing for sustainable homes.

100% de pau duro

Is social media horny or not?


At this very moment, in Japan, do people have more samba than rock on their feet? What about Paris? Is there more love or hate on the left side of their chests? What about Brazil? Are there horny people yet? (Or did everybody lose their hard-on?)

To heat up the debate about the Social Media Week event, which takes place simultaneously in several places of the world, a website to show (in real time) positive and negative words from many parts of the globe was created. That’s because social media is a living organism in constant mutation. The same engine was designed on dynamic media assets, that figured real time updated data.

Peixoto curte estacionar em vaga para idosos

Advertising or fish food?


“Inciting the reflection on digital advertising” was the theme of a cycle of lectures, headed by names like Marcelo Tas (CQC) and Dylan Williams (Mother). A plot for the storyline and its whole line of communication were required.

What if a fish were live tagged inside of an aquarium mapped with a PlayStation camera? One side of the aquarium had fish food ads in a TV. The other had a hatch that released fish food. Question: which side the fish (called Peixoto) would stay on longer? Infographics were generated in real time to identify which one would be the winner in the battle between image and product. Result: whatever.

The real message is that good advertising is the one that does not follow a media kit (a 12K expandable beta fish), but rather the one that can generate good discussions.

suor e aquelas calças justas de

Discover the secret gym hidden in the city


Since “the best health insurance is to live” for Unimed-Rio (a health insurance company), it has the authority to talk about the best places in Rio de Janeiro for a good health practice. Within this scope, digital planning mapped the whole city of Rio to show urban spots such as stairways, square benches and bus stops that could turn into abs, push-ups and spinning stations.

More than 60 circuits were screened and developed, with video lessons taken in the referred locations. The communication also alerted to the new look Rio people could take on urban furniture.

A special thank you to my brother Focca, for being a gigantic fellow in this project.

os games destruiram a minha vida (ainda bem que restam mais duas)

3 million cell phones turned into joysticks of a parallel reality


Vivo, a famous carrier in Brazil, wanted to talk to young people in order to materialize the habit of data transmission. The solution came through an ARG (Alternative Reality Game) called Vivo in Action. Missing cell phones with fantastic calls to the future needed to be retrieved by their subscribers.

The player's cell phone was connected to a series of puzzles that had answers through clues transmitted by a series of own, paid and earned (on and offline) medias. In addition to Vivo's sound, image and video services, fictional characters, fake websites, guerrilla actions, secret parties, direct mailing with real cell phone numbers and other resources were part of the reality to be investigated by the detectives’ devices.

There were 4 successful editions, with 3 million players in the latest one.

Note: all projects presented here had incredible teams, and forgetting any names while referencing them would be such a crime. Success has always happened thanks to the collective intelligence of great professionals and friends that I have been making over the years. It is important to thank them very much.

Wabi-sabi: imperfeito, impermanente e incompleto.